However, community composition of testateamoebae was mainly affected by land use.
Litter mass loss and litter element concentrations were measured, and different microbial groups including bacteria, fungi and testateamoebae were studied.
Indeed, nutrient additions strongly altered microbial biomass (MB) and community structure as well as the community structure of testateamoebae.
Although testateamoebae are among the better-studied protists, only little quantitative information exists on the morphology, phylogeny and ecology of cercozoan Rhogostomidae.
However, adding of high-quality litter to low-quality litter markedly improved habitat quality, as evaluated by the increase in diversity and density of testateamoebae.
The results suggest that high litter nitrogen and low lignin concentrations are indicators of high litter quality for testateamoebae density and species richness.
The results document that reduced precipitation negatively affects soil microorganisms, but that the response of testateamoebae markedly exceeds that of bacteria and fungi.
For over a century testateamoebae have been a favoured group of interest for protistologists, however there is still an endless amount of unanswered questions.
Overall, the results show that microorganisms and testateamoebae rapidly respond to a reduction in precipitation, with testateamoebae-representatives of higher trophic levels-being more sensitive.
Testateamoebae have been frequently studied by protistologists, but still little information is available on some groups like the Chlamydophryidae.