Labour MPs are standing by their leader after a testyexchange in Parliament over the Dotcom controversy.
It was, by all accounts, a pretty testyexchange on the vexed issue of abortion at yesterday's cabinet meeting.
The testyexchange saw the Prime Minister criticised over his answers about One Nation and "aggressive" body language.
But in 2001, Grubman unwittingly became known among analysts and investors for a testyexchange with Enron's CEO Jeffrey Skilling.
In a testyexchange with Mayor Phil Goff, Mr Tamihere refused to withdraw his allegation that the organisation was corrupt.
In one testyexchange, senator Jeff Merkley, a Democrat from Oregon, and a Verizon customer, waved his smartphone at Alexander.
CNN has released the audio of the testyexchange between Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders that took place following Tuesday's Democratic debate.
After a testyexchange, he returned from a commercial break to announce that he had kicked the ACORN man off the set.
Trump on Tuesday praised the legislation in the Oval Office before a testyexchange with Democratic leaders about border security and government funding.
It followed a testyexchange at a House hearing between lawmakers and Anne Richard, the assistant secretary of state for population, refugees and migration.
Woodward's account of his recent testyexchange with the White House points to continued sensitivity over the issue of whose idea the sequester was.
Tax and jobs spark testyexchanges in the latest leaders' debate.
It could make for some testyexchanges.
In often testyexchanges with the tribunal yesterday Mr Cosgrave maintained he was looking for fair play from the inquiry.
Not one, he said, in often testyexchanges with the lead prosecutor in the inquiry and the judge, Brian Leveson.
But Sandusky prosecutor Joseph McGettigan, who had several testyexchanges with Lindsay while on the witness stand on Tuesday, dismissed that assertion.