1And for fire ants, so the fire ants have, also have these superhydrophobic body surfaces.
2In my imagination, Monty tied her to a tree while Jack let loose the fire ants.
3Thus, we hope to wipe out or at least greatly reduce the numbers of the fire ants.
4Katrina's surge came very hard and very fast, so the fire ants all drowned before they could form rafts.
5Photo: Wikimedia Commons The Department of Agriculture and the local Community College have teamed up to spread awareness of the fire ants.
6A documentary of how the fire ants sting people and damage crops and native species in Hawaii and Tahiti is now airing on local TV.
7Massimino said the Fire Ants have gotten more exposure from MP3.com than he ever imagined.
8When Eric Massimino and his childhood pal Mark Hermann started a band in 1997 called the Fire Ants, it was mostly a labor of love.
9"Yes, I know" I said, twisting myself into shapes a pretzel would envy as I tried to get at the fire ants.
Translations for the fire ants