At the time following immediately the time when.
1At Dillon's house, they heard Clancy the minute they reached the house.
2Kaycee, let me know the minute you hear or think of anything.
3Now the danger is... far more immediate, and growing by the minute.
4Electric fields rather than mechanical means guide the minute components into place.
5They changed the minute the UIR sent forces across the Vasgar border.
6I knew the minute it happened; she grew lighter in my arms.
7Let the minute book of that industry show that we are ashamed.
8At the end of the minute, the carman lay in the road.
9He said: Everything is just up in the air at the minute.
10However, the minute size of this foot made it hard to hit.
11He just left here, I called you the minute the ambulance left.
12There is actually no reason for me to change at the minute.
13I was growing more certain by the minute that they were wrong.
14Now almost all the times had been worked out to the minute:
15And the minute they come in your office you know they're pretending.
16Water is held in the soil between the minute particles of earth.