Restoration of the monarchy in the British Isles.
Examples for "restoration"
Examples for "restoration"
1However, Mr Wills said bird restoration might one day be too successful.
2Desiree Shortt will begin a new course in china restoration next Monday.
3Progress in the right direction -but it is far from restoration.
4We believe that they will bring restoration to the early childhood sector.
5Of course, I want my freedom and the restoration of the Keep.
1But his fear of a Stuart restoration ran deeper.
2They tended to keep a relatively low profile in England, particularly after the Stuart Restoration in 1660.
3The Stuart Restoration was a period of descent from poetry to prose, from passion and imagination to wit and understanding.
4But the other clans-theclans that ever cherished the lingering hope of a Stuart restoration-werenot in reality disarmed at all.
5Upon the Stuart restoration, the strongest ties which bound them to the pulsing life of the mother country, the religious ones, were severed.
1Of course, I want my freedom and the restoration of the Keep.
2Mr Christensen said it was unclear how much the restoration would cost.
3Indeed, she had objected to the restoration every step of the way.
4For the last two years, Sian Griffiths has managed the restoration project.
5Cracks and damp have appeared inside the church despite the restoration work.
6She had her recompense in the restoration of her son to life.
7On the restoration of monarchy, 1660, the inhabitants sent to Charles II.
8Raoul de Vandemar is immovably convinced of the restoration of the Bourbons.
9In his verses on the restoration, he says of the king's exile:
10And the restoration went on while the tractors came off the line.
11Now, I do have some conditions to the restoration of your holdings.
12They also prayed for the people, and the restoration of his word.
13Replacing them will be near the top of the restoration to-do list.
14Sir G. G. Scott was responsible for the restoration of the transept.
15Johannes van Kan photographs the restoration of the historic Christchurch Arts Centre.
16Great plans are laid for the restoration of the town of Lahaina.
Translations for the restoration