Hermetic, pantheistic, pandeistic or panentheistic view of God, which is that everything that is, or at least that can be experienced, collectively makes up The All.
Veure'n més 1 But whence have we the conception of God as the supreme good ?
2 Some think that the supreme good is in the highest power.
3 Objection 1: It seems that God is not the supreme good .
4 Its preservation - especially the preservation of political liberty - is the supreme good .
5 Rest was for the time the supreme good of life.
6 Therefore happiness, which is the supreme good , consists in pleasure.
7 But it belongs to God to be the supreme good .
8 For the supreme good adds something to good; otherwise it would belong to every good.
9 Objection 1: It would seem that the supreme good , God, is the cause of evil.
10 For God is the supreme good , as was said above (Q.
11 To such as I, annihilation is the supreme good .
12 In Annabel's creed, masculine admiration was the supreme good .
13 Secondly, because by greatest good he understood that which is the supreme good simply, i.e.
14 Therefore God cannot be called the supreme good .
15 And in these two is felt that most exalted joy which is the supreme good in Paradise.
16 Therefore God is not the supreme good .
Més exemples per a "the supreme good"
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