Anything less than a thermonuclearbomb wasn't any fun.
But once North Korea conducted an underground test of a thermonuclearbomb last September, Trump began taking Kim more seriously.
In retrospect, "there were some guys you wouldn't trust with a .22 rifle, much less a thermonuclearbomb."
So screw it, let's give him even more powers: Can turn a frozen chicken into a thermonuclearbomb just by touching it.
North Korea carried out its sixth nuclear test in September, most probably of a thermonuclearbomb, marking a significant step up in its capabilities.
The hydrogen, or thermonuclearbomb works on the principle of fusion of two nuclei, and generates temperatures similar to those found at the sun's core.
They may perhaps survive blast effects, provided the enemy uses no thermonuclearbombs of the underground-bursting type.
At that time both sides had thermonuclearbombs and intercontinental bombers, and neither had any missiles to rattle.
The time, money, energy and work we put in on this thing would be ample to construct twenty thermonuclearbombs.