Fill with sublime emotion.
Examples for "thrill"
Examples for "thrill"
1Although we're hardly recreating Mission Impossible, it is still quite a thrill.
2But the thrill of the game is not in tackling the dummy.
3The adventure had all the thrill of a new conquest in it.
4The thrill of inspiration overtook him, the pleasure of a problem solved.
5For the visitors, there may also be the thrill of 'extreme tourism'.
1The king can exalt the Seymours, for they stand far beneath him.
2Is the saw to exalt itself over the one who wields it?
3In 2008, I hereby resolve to exalt and uphold the nerd lifestyle.
4Thou dost exalt whomsoever Thou willest and dost abase whomsoever Thou willest.
5Anything in the least highfalutin' would depress, not exalt, a British company.
1But less lucky wine-bibbers need not be illogical as well as inebriate.
2How far down need a man go before he becomes an inebriate?
3His friendship for the inebriate was of the most sincere kind.
4It was a bright spring morning, one of those days which inebriate one.
5One friend used to tell her that she was an inebriate on resting.
1The pure air of the country would exhilarate him into new life.
2I'm not sure it would exhilarate me much at the moment.
3It was thirty below zero; too cold to exhilarate her.
4They dispel the gloom of retirement, and exhilarate the spirits depressed by intense application.
5Here moralists and divines might indeed relax in their temperance, to exhilarate their humanity.
1A look may beatify or plunge in the depths of despair.
2Next weekend, Pope Benedict XVI, at the end of his four-day visit to Britain, will beatify him.
3Sir, - In the rush to beatify nurses a number of points seem to be regularly ignored: 1.
4Hence this vision did not beatify him simply, so as to overflow into his body, but only in a restricted sense.
5If the pope were ever to beatify a woman as the patron saint of wifely patience, it would have to be Rhea.
1And I'd be tickled pink to bury this and forget about it forever.
2That made everything nice and pretty for everybody, and everybody was tickled pink.
3And Fanny would be tickled pink to meet a lady detective.
4Opal would be tickled pink if they fell to pieces for the cameras.
5Tickled pink's probably not the right way to put it.
6She is tickled pink because a statue of her is soon to be unveiled.
7When he arrived the Dr. was showing a pupil how to be tickled pink.
8She's tickled pink, and it'll coin money-ifit isn't pinched.
9They'd be tickled pink to have another man aboard.
10He was just tickled pink that some novice thought he could joust with him over money.
11Gretchen appraised Tickled Pink, who actually was wearing pink silk pants and a matching pink top.
12I said, "I'll bet your bosses back in Washington are tickled pink with you two."
13She'll be tickled pink to see you.
14After the face-off, Clinton was tickled pink over seeing Obama slammed so hard and on such earthy matters.
15Jeremiah's going to be tickled pink!
16Thank God, thank God, the child looks tickled pink: clearly this act has her blessing to happen again sometime.
Translations for tickle pink