However, the US regulator has imposed tightconditions on its use.
The extension of the right to die to minors is hedged with tightconditions.
They are also working to provide more buses to transport evacuees to avoid tightconditions.
Underscoring the tightconditions, there were spikes to 15 percent and higher for some deals during the day.
Accustomed to its tightconditions and restricted movement I was not overly worried to find my progress halted after a few yards.
Detectives working for Papua New Guinea's police fraud squad have been allowed access to their office and files again, but under tightconditions.
The tightconditions in Singapore's labor market are partly a result of the government's efforts to boost productivity and reduce reliance on foreign labor.
The DoJ has also imposed a two year deferred prosecution agreement on Lloyds, subjecting the bank to tightconditions for the next 24 months.
Even if the Federal Reserve continues to hike interest rates, the tightconditions of the labor market could nevertheless spur a rise in inflationary pressures.
Tightconditions it had imposed on the business would make it safer in the future, the Labor Department said.