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After the injury, muscle tonus of the limbs and trunk diminished.
I was about to tug Boyd from the shed when his muscle tonus changed.
The correlation between arteriolar tonus and indicators of cardiac pump function was less marked.
But I am a fully qualified masseur, and therefore able to take direct tonus readings.
And, of course, one should feel something if it is no more than the tonus of muscle against the mobile bones.
As the toxin spreads it causes both motor hyper-tonus and hyper-excitability, which accounts for the tonic contraction and the clonic spasms characteristic of tetanus.
Adult women in labor at term with an expected vaginal delivery who received antenatal instructions for self-assessment of uterine tonus will be eligible for inclusion.
Therefore, rats with initial prevalence of the sympathetic compartment tonus of the vegetative nervous system are more labile to the effect of the dehydration stress.
In the group of rats with the initial prevalence of a sympathetic tonus a short-term sympathetic shift was replaced by an increase of parasympathetic effects.
We investigated the effect of L-arginine supplementation on pial vascular tonus of mice with ECM after direct superfusion on the brain surface or systemic delivery.
Kempf, Edward J.: The Tonus of Autonomic Segments in Psychopathology.
"And your musculature is responding well; I can feel a slackening of tonus already."
"Or loss of muscle tonus."
After the injury, muscle tonus of the limbs and trunk diminished.
I was about to tug Boyd from the shed when his muscle tonus changed.
The correlation between arteriolar tonus and indicators of cardiac pump function was less marked.