Inactivity resulting from lethargy and lack of vigor or energy.
Examples for "torpor"
Examples for "torpor"
1This spot was the one point of energy in the universal torpor.
2The stench was crisply nauseating, with a cold torpor of lukewarm sea.
3The rest of the afternoon he dozed in a species of torpor.
4She had recovered from the fatal torpor in the cool night air.
5The shock had been too great; his deadly torpor deepened into death.
1He dropped his pen in sudden listlessness, crossed aimlessly to the window.
2Hildegard submitted with demure listlessness, and soon re-appeared in her walking costume.
3Next to madness occur the different stages of spleen, dejection and listlessness.
4So he worked on, no longer in listlessness, but with contemptuous amusement.
5The childish expression left the girl's eyes, the listlessness left her attitude.
1The extraordinary torpidity of the surrounding objects gradually affected the persons.
2Life in the tropics, I take to be a placid torpidity.
3Oppressed with grief, She continued for some time in this state of torpidity.
4Do you know that you have roused the torpidity of Clarke at last?
5It was only a temporary torpidity of the nerves, which I mistook for calmness.