Encara no tenim significats per a "tremendous question".
1How much-andhere was the one tremendous question-hadhe told his sister?
2After this war the tremendous question before the world will be:
3The tremendous question broke from Andy's lips.
4There is a tremendous question yet unsolved which is now rising unbidden in this and in every enlightened nation.
5The tremendous question to be settled by our great populace, day by day, is how to get a livelihood.
6Ah, that's a tremendous question.
7And suddenly he knew that he was face to face with the tremendous question which soon or late confronts all thinkers.
8The tremendous question for him to decide was whether his country should survive the crisis and flourish, or be dismembered and perish.
9The tremendous question that crowds in here is this, What does this Man of Fire see as He stands among His followers?
10It might have been better if Charlie's family had not been tormented by the tremendous question: what had Charlie to do with Lady Massulam?
11This theology came with the answers to all the tremendous questions asked by life.
12This brings up the tremendous questions of free-will and fore-ordination.
13Gyda asked the most tremendous questions with a sort of privileged simplicity; she looked now for her answer.
14"Yes, but a word involving a tremendous question," answered Wingfold.
15He pressed the old woman's hand warmly and only asked to know what sort of answers to the tremendous questions were contained in the paper.
Aquesta col·locació està formada per:
Tremendous question per variant geogràfica