Encara no tenim significats per a "triumphant words".
1Rising above both voices were the triumphant words of the relieved doctor.
2These triumphant words were the last that Dennis Kearney uttered on earth.
3The very air of bravery, of steady self-abnegation seems to exhale from the sombre, triumphant words.
4Then, far away from some remote chapel in the house, there floated the triumphant words of the practising choir:
5That truth is enshrined in the triumphant words of the Te Deum, Thou are the King of glory, O Christ.
6You are a hero! he mused, as the triumphant words of Jack Blunt's great discovery were read again and again.
7The triumphant words of my text are no piece of empty rhetoric, but the plain result of two facts-Christ'srule and the Christian's submission.
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