Encara no tenim significats per a "true leaves".
1Or consider using fertilizer only after the seedlings develop their first true leaves.
2PHYLLODINEOUS.-Havingflattened, leaf-like twigs or leafstalks instead of true leaves.
3The first and succeeding pairs of young true leaves behaved in exactly the same manner.
4Soon after seedlings grow their second set of true leaves, you need to thin them out.
5The movement of an old seedling with two true leaves partially developed, was observed in the dark.
6In thickly sown seed-beds, thin or transplant the plants as soon as they have made their first true leaves.
7They continue to act in this manner for a long time even after the development of some of the true leaves.
8Some are shorter and broader than others; but they are all green like true leaves, and hold water as securely as a jug or glass.
9The flower-stem of the parasitic Lathraea squamaria, which is destitute of true leaves, breaks through the ground as an arch;** so does the flower-
10When they have grown their first set of true leaves (which follow the rather basic-looking seed leaves) they can be potted on into three-inch pots.
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