Each worm has a tube-shaped organ called a proboscis hidden inside its body.
A slimy, tube-shaped marine pest from Australia is seriously threatening Auckland's under water environment.
He held the flamethrower's tube-shaped igniter across his torso the way a mother might cradle her baby.
A ship appeared in the holospace, smooth and small, with a long tube-shaped device mounted on its underside.
Appendicitis is when the appendix, a small tube-shaped extension of the colon, becomes inflamed and filled with puss.
He reached into a holster over his shoulder and set aside a tube-shaped device that was longer than his thigh.
But a few critical anatomical features, including a long, tube-shaped ear canal, distinguish Saadanius from its primate predecessors, the scientists say.
A hummingbird darted to a tube-shaped feeder one of the groundskeepers had hung near the field house, its wings flapping lightning fast.
At a Hy-Vee store in South Sioux City, Iowa, part of the refrigerated meat case is stocked with tube-shaped packages of ground beef.
I was surprised that she had no modesty whatever, and slung her tube-shaped breasts around as if they were nothing more than bottles.
The dorsal half contains the narrow spinal-column cavity or vertebral canal ABOVE the chorda, in which lies the tube-shaped central nervous system, the medullary tube.
Enter the Remote Minehunting System, a tube-shaped diving robot that talks via radio datalink (when surfaced) and tows a sonar for spotting mines.
Composed of tube-shaped carbon molecules 50,000 times thinner than a human hair, Buckypaper possesses unique properties enabling it to conduct electricity and disperse heat.