Encara no tenim significats per a "unbelieving eyes".
1Before Reich's unbelieving eyes the entire staff shook their heads in mystification.
2Mrs. Comstock stared at the total with dazed and unbelieving eyes.
3The leader stopped with a startled oath and stood blinking his unbelieving eyes.
4Shouting his rage, Sam charged the sickness before his unbelieving eyes.
5They stood riveted in the doorway, drinking in the scene with unbelieving eyes.
6Before their unbelieving eyes the vessel swung about and put slowly out to sea.
7The doctor slipped into a chair opposite Buck Daniels and watched him with unbelieving eyes.
8She was staring at him with big, unbelieving eyes.
9She made no reply, but her proud unbelieving eyes were no longer upon my face.
10He stood staring at it with wide unbelieving eyes.
11He clung to the edge of the open cracker box, looking in with dazed, unbelieving eyes.
12For a moment the scavengers just stood where they were, watching with wide and unbelieving eyes.
13Her strength wilted; and for an instant she could only stand and gaze with fixed, unbelieving eyes.
14The girls started forward with unbelieving eyes.
15Her unbelieving eyes swept to his face.
16Estelle stared about her with unbelieving eyes.
Aquesta col·locació està formada per:
Unbelieving eyes a través del temps
Unbelieving eyes per variant geogràfica