Encara no tenim significats per a "understand the wisdom".
1It's hard to ask you to be, but you'll understand the wisdom.
2It is not given to men to understand the wisdom that cometh from above.
3Nor, can I well understand the wisdom of the Presbyterians in countenancing and confirming those reports.
4I'm sure you understand the wisdom of this.
5The Notables understood the wisdom of this conduct, and Richelieu received their adhesion.
6But he had understood the wisdom of what she'd said.
7She understands the wisdom of appealing to the Spartans.
8Although I fully understood the wisdom of owning a gun, I didn't keep one in the house.
9Félicité understood the wisdom of these words.
10Having been stomped by Harnack's friends in the lavatory, Raynor understood the wisdom of the other youth's advice.
11"Pek eyi-very good," answered the kaváss, who understood the wisdom of the plan.
12She now fully understood the wisdom of Mrs. Maldon in refusing to let the police be informed of the disappearance of the money.
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