Encara no tenim significats per a "undue attention".
1From about this time, the king's daughter began to attract undue attention.
2Slowly, so as to avoid attracting undue attention, Leng circled the room.
3My wagon coming through the gate should not draw any undue attention.
4One man was much less likely than three to attract undue attention.
5You don't want to attract undue attention to the area below your ankles.
6Zeke, apparently was not paying any undue attention to either of the visitors.
7We had separated a little so that we would not attract undue attention.
8If that damned fool kept up the yelling he would attract undue attention.
9Apollo slowly moved up the steps, trying to avoid drawing undue attention to himself.
10REUTERS: So are we paying undue attention to Pistorius because of who he is?
11Any undue attention, he knew, was an invitation for trouble.
12You can't attract any undue attention in the city now.
13I crept along, hoping the rattle of my ancient diesel wouldn't attract any undue attention.
14She did not reveal her partner's identity to save her from " undue attention".
15They therefore walked the length of the Calle de la Merced without attracting undue attention.
16I only hope that Arkoniel's presence at the keep won't bring undue attention on the household.
Aquesta col·locació està formada per:
Undue attention a través del temps
Undue attention per variant geogràfica