Someone authorized to transact every kind of business for the principal.
1Whatever be their origin, there is an essence, a secret and universal agent.
2This universal agent of life in all things is God.
3And the second element of man is the portion of the universal agent which gives him life.
4He's above ephemeral geopolitics and nationalist concerns, a universal agent unlike any other found in pop culture.
5But this does not prove that the corporeal form is not an agent, but that it is not a universal agent.
6There is a Life-Principle of the world, a universal agent, wherein are two natures and a double current, of love and wrath.
7Upon every other stage the universal agent is love, by whose power all good and evil is distributed, and every action quickened or retarded.
8It is the body of the Holy Spirit, the universal Agent, the Serpent devouring his own tail.
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