Here was a photograph of Mrs. Asaki as a young woman: tall, unrecognizably beautiful, standing under a tree.
Twelve cotton-candy inches of snow, creating a fairy-tale world, making everything unrecognizably beautiful...
Like adventurers in a fairy tale, the opening through which we had come had closed unrecognizably behind us.
The blast had caught the dog from in front-thechest-cavitywas literally exploded, and the neck and head burned and smashed unrecognizably.
The role of the killer, George Harvey, has been expanded and is played by fine actor Stanley Tucci (almost unrecognizably so).
And today our computers, unrecognizably different in size, speed, and capability from their distant ancestors, populate the full machine-line continuum of computational types and capabilities.
" 'On the day I was born, my life changed unrecognizably.' "
"Oh, I won't- Iwon't-"Itwas Miss Princess's voice, almost unrecognizably high and quavering.