1I made for the lagoon, and went in up to my neck.
2The babble increased, and by night I was up to my neck.
3And I'm sitting up to my neck in a bank of sand.
4I'm going to be in this fight right up to my neck.
5You remember seein' me aloft, an' up to my neck in water.
6I lay in foam up to my neck and thought about her.
7Yes, sir, and up to my neck in salt water day and night.
8I am up to my neck here in Stirling's Spanish books.
9I'm in it up to my neck and they know it.
10I swear I am up to my neck in work.
11Well, I'm up to my neck in work right now.
12You know I'm up to my neck in this job.
13That water out thar is plumb up to my neck.
14Then I'm in my element, up to my neck, swimming.
15Instead I was up to my neck in bones for the next two weeks.
16Faith, though, I'm not going to wait here till it's up to my neck!