This is our first lesson in the importance of usingstatistics instead of intuition.
There will be no chance of achieving broad consensus by usingstatistics that torpedo credibility.
He was a mathematical fortune-teller, usingstatistics rather than paranormal powers to predict certain outcomes.
This was a good example of usingstatistics to justify the message 'they' want to sell.
An artist usingstatistics as a brush could paint two very different pictures of our country.
The author considers the usefulness of such information as dinner party chat, and the difficulties in usingstatistics in verse.
But the most important limitation comes from difficulties with usingstatistics to analyse the massive amount of data the technique produces.
The South African government's website describes the linguistic make up of South Africa usingstatistics from the Stats SA 2018 community survey.
Cowtan & Way took two separate clever approaches to address this issue, usingstatistics and satellite measurements to fill in the gaps.
Ms Shannon said the ministry planned carefully for roll growth, usingStatistics New Zealand data as its main source for forecasting.
Usingstatistics, they found that the amount of news coverage on mass shootings could predict the number of shootings in the week following.
Socioeconomic status was measured as median household income and percentage of residents with at least a high school education usingStatistics Canada dissemination area-level data.