The pubic arch was narrow, and the vaginalorifice practically obliterated.
The vaginalorifice was contracted; the urethra was dilated and had evidently been used for coitus.
The larger opening is the vaginalorifice.
They had a common urethral and anal aperture, but a double vaginalorifice, with a very apparent septum.
By the term vaginismus we understand a painful spasm or contraction of the vaginalorifice which makes intercourse very difficult, or impossible.
Payne cites the instance of a woman of thirty-three, in labor thirty-six hours, in whom there was a congenital absence of the vaginalorifice.
VAGINISMUS.-Thisis a painful reflex muscular contraction of the vaginalorifice, and is most often observed in patients of a nervous and sensitive temperament.