An artificial cloud made by the exhaust of jet aircraft or wingtip vortices that precipitate a stream of tiny ice crystals in moist, frigid upper air.
Examples for "contrail"
Examples for "contrail"
1The sky was powder blue and cloudless -not even a contrail.
2Threads of the yellow contrail hung in the limbs of the trees.
3Skies as delicate as translucent china, unscarred by cloud or contrail.
4Then he looked up and saw the contrail of an airliner, high overhead.
5A horizontal contrail of scintillating dust stretched out through the air behind them.
1A condensation trail arced suddenly into the sky, launched from one of the Iscan heavies.
2Condensation trails are a consequence of interaction between the exhaust gases from a plane's engines and the surrounding air.
3But in fact he was curious about condensation trails, those elongated streaks of cloud that form a wake behind high flying aircraft.
1He was still watching the vapor trail as the cab pulled away.
2A straight, narrow line pointed dead ahead: the vapor trail from Teela's flycycle.
3I swear she moves so fast she leaves a vapor trail most days.
4Its vapor trail spread, cold silver on a sky of slate.
5High above, a white vapor trail streaked a cloudless blue sky.
1It showed footage of a missile launch in desert-like terrain, leaving a vapour trail.
2In a time of darkness smoke stacks are soon lost, a vapour trail drifts in the dawn light.
3As it passed over the Grand Teton National Park, one alert tourist photo-graphed the incandescent fireball and its long vapour trail.
4But there was never any sign of their presence, save an occasional vapour trail high against the blue of the stratosphere.
5Using her ball control, Var moved the pointer up alongside one of the satellites, pausing it on a lengthy vapour trail.
6Sometimes when he was at his computer at a late hour, he would pick up a faint vapour trail left by Rufus.
7Even as Clyde and Lora watched, the gleaming vapour trail began to fray at its edges, breaking up into wisps of cloud.
8As a high-flying jet may leave a vapour trail behind it, so the outward-bound vessel of the Overlords left its own peculiar wake.
9She turned her head to track his progress, as he began leaving a vapour trail, before disappearing in light too bright to gaze at directly.
10Clare, led by Tony Kelly, had to travel through their vapour trails.
11Vapour trails scribble across the sky, converging into man-made clouds that blur the sun.
12White vapour trailed after him and hung and dispersed.
13Last week the criss-crossed vapour trails of MiG jets hung once again over the Panjshir valley.
14Narrow swirls of light would sweep across the great dome of sky, then hang there like vapour trails.
15There were no haints now; instead the air was a dilute milk of their residue tracked through with vapour trails.
16Through the cams she'd also seen an enforcer crawl out of that same crawler, issuing vapour trails from his breached suit.