A quantity that can assume any of a set of values.
1The capacity of the lungs for air is a very variable quantity:
2These examples I have cited to demonstrate that the return from the playlet is a most variable quantity.
3He is a variable quantity.
4The voltage across the arc is a variable quantity, depending on the length of the flame, its temperature and the gases liberated in the arc.
5And the offense is a variable quantity; what is a crime in one State under this Act, is a legal right and duty in another.
6All HP tissue samples exhibited variable quantities of neutrophils located inside vessels, and in the interstitial and alveolar spaces.
7There is one glory of the Gazetteer with his fixed facts, and another of the Poet with his variable quantities of fancy.
8My mother left us together alone, as her custom was, for what time I had to spare- avariablequantity always with me.
9The necessary plant-foods do not alone enter the plant but whatever may be in solution in the soil-water enters the plant in variable quantities.
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Translations for variable quantity