Encara no tenim significats per a "vast circumference".
1His voice fell; he stood confronting in silence that vast circumference of restless beauty.
2The vast circumference of vision swept around us with a radius of a hundred miles.
3They take in a vast circumference of the ocean.
4But it is not your vast circumference
5The carcass of a deer, shot within twenty miles, had supplied material for the vast circumference of a pasty.
6A man's affections are just as fully satisfied by the smallest circle as they can be by a vast circumference.
7Earth's vast circumference span.
8They mounted the walls, and beheld, stretched over the ground within and beyond the suburbs, the vast circumference of the Gothic lines.
9On approaching the tree, he perceived by the vast circumference of its trunk that he could not climb up by embracing it.
10All round the vast circumference, on terraced seats of rock, squatted row after row of the most completely hideous beings within possibility.
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