Encara no tenim significats per a "very loth".
1Though very loth, I give up the dinner.
2The man was very loth to obey me, but at last I managed to persuade him.
3She was very loth indeed to acknowledge defeat.
4VINCENT: Every man, uncle, naturally grudgeth at pain, and is very loth to come to it.
5The afternoon had waned during our talk; but I was very loth to part with my friend.
6Could you not make it such a speech that they would be very loth to lose you?
7He was very loth to go, but he saw it was the surest way of ending the matter.
8I was very loth to give up; but a man said, Never mind, we will carry it on.
9When the family bade him good night, he turned his face towards them, looking very loth to part.
10Yet I am very loth to do what must be done, and I will not do it unless you consent.
11They are very loth to have me leave, even for a short time, and it is a sore trial for me.
12And very loth was I to exchange that sunny peep for an indefinite prospect of my prisoner's person at close quarters.
13Poor Violet was very loth to stir up any ill feeling between the father and son; but she need not have feared.
14It is a question whether we shall succeed, and I am very loth to lose her, but the risk must be run.
15This she was very loth to do, and but for the love she bore to Bonnivet would on no account have consented.
16Having gone thus far, loth, very loth, was I to lose my prize-oncemore I got hold of the rumpled-upletter!-Impudentman!
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Very loth per variant geogràfica