Stahl has often been the best thing in verymediocre movies.
Northern Ireland was outstanding recently against Spain while the Republic were verymediocre against Germany.
Some of the paintings in it are excellent, notably Mr. Long's 'Esther;' the majority verymediocre.
When the man is proved not to be a fraud, it suggests a verymediocre virtue.
As a rule, the man who can do all things equally well is a verymediocre individual.
And are not the independence, the freedom of mannerism of which we boast so loudly, verymediocre advantages?
When that is factored in, economist at the Council of Trade Unions, Bill Rosenberg, said per capita growth was verymediocre.
Seen from without, these baths resemble a small-sized house built in a verymediocre style, and with very slender claims to beauty.
For since he had made it irresistible comedy instead of verymediocre drama, he felt all the pride of creation in his work.
They'll be verymediocre thunderstorms by southeast Queensland's standard. Nationally, another trough will run through southern Western Australia before heading east by Saturday.
The King, who had given a verymediocre present of diamonds to the new Duchesse de Berry, gave nothing to the Duc de Berry.
Pavlowa and her companion, M. Mordkin, supported by a verymediocre troupe of dancers, had discovered themselves to their admirers before the opera season opened.
"That would turn a verymediocre afternoon into a very pleasant one."