Encara no tenim significats per a "very spot".
1Islanders still point out the very spot, not far from Dun Aengus.
2The light fell on the very spot for the true infallible death-stroke.
3She'd been married here: on the very spot he'd built the fire.
4I have passed the very spot where the gallows-tree is going up.
5For three days I looked down upon it from this very spot.
6I and my friends picked this very spot over two weeks ago.
7Stranger still, she made for the very spot where Aminadab was watching.
8Retracing his steps, he found the very spot where they had met.
9But we must not anticipate an interesting adventure at this very spot.
10Well, maybe not here in this very spot but somewhere close by.
11I used to pass him playing on this very spot, he answered.
12Wade's last turn brought him to the very spot of his tumble.
13There, at the very spot where she had fallen, stood a man.
14Here, then, on this very spot, he had stood before his leap.
15A tenement on Princess Street, not a quarter-mile from this very spot.
16I have come from a far-away country to find this very spot.
Aquesta col·locació està formada per:
Very spot a través del temps
Very spot per variant geogràfica