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He has been a visitinglecturer and external examiner at the National College of Art, Dublin.
He is a visitinglecturer at the College of Europe (Bruges) and the University of Maastricht.
Every Monday afternoon it was the custom for the whole department to listen to a research talk by a visitinglecturer.
Dr Evan Lawrence, a visitinglecturer in security and counter-terrorism at Staffordshire University, explains why IS differs from other militant groups.
This year, Dr Joanne Stohs, a visitinglecturer from the University of Wisconsin, is giving a course to commerce undergraduates in UCD.
A Newfoundlander by birth, descended from pre Famine emigrants, he came, in 1964, as a young visitinglecturer to University College, Dublin.
Paul Brownbill, social worker and visitinglecturer in social work at the University of Chester: "Housing needs to be looked at more."
She was a visitinglecturer of the U. of California in Los Angeles, in '27 at the U. of Chicago in '28.
In order to accommodate him, they offered me a nine-month position as a visitinglecturer in statistics for $18,000 a year.
Visitinglecturer at the NZ School of Music - Kim Cannady shares music and dance from the Faroe Islands.
Denise is a DJ scholar, activist and a VisitingLecturer at California State University's Pan African Studies Department and its Chicano Studies Department.