Encara no tenim significats per a "waver shadows".
1Tea lights flicker down here, too, casting wavering shadows along the walls.
2They lighted it and its smoky flame threw wavering shadows about.
3Owein stood silent, watching the firelight paint the chieftain's arrogant features in wavering shadows.
4I lifted my hands before my face and they cast wavering shadows on the walls.
5Georgia's too-pale, too-thin face was surprisingly calm, staring back at him through the wavering shadows.
6The flames spurted up eagerly, bright and cheery, and threw dancing light among the wavering shadows.
7In the wavering shadows, Phoebe's face looked rigid.
8Through the foliage danced the rays of the bright sun, casting wavering shadows over the leaf-covered ground.
9A number of blurred figures, no more than wavering shadows, ran past the windows like fleeing ghosts.
10And wavering shadows over moss and frond:
11Clara's face, normally inscrutable or smug, is distorted by wavering shadows and a look of naked fear.
12The trembling yellow light of the lantern caused the figures of the men to cast monstrous wavering shadows.
13They arose and stood together just at the edge of the wavering shadows cast by the ancient tree.
14The lantern's yellow light casts long, wavering shadows on the aluminum walls and titanium-composite beams of the underground structure.
15The fire cast wavering shadows of light across everything, turning the world into the maroon tones of dried blood.
16Over the door, between the wavering shadows of a lilac-tree already in flower, he saw an inscription in gold letters:-