Encara no tenim significats per a "wholly new".
1Laurence stared; the note of uncertainty in Temeraire's voice was wholly new.
2And yet this latter conception of their deserts was not wholly new.
3Not that it is wholly new, for unrest is wherever people congregate.
4One way takes us to a wholly new way of managing human affairs.
5It had been ages since she'd come on somewhere wholly new.
6This was a wonder, yes, but not a wholly new one.
7Many people reading this will be wholly new to your name.
8The idea was the less startling for not being wholly new.
9All are much restored; thirty-three of the medallions are wholly new.
10But in the seventh year they met with wholly new perils.
11They could -and probably will -discover wholly new organisms.
12The night was a revelation, a wholly new world of taste and heat.
13He marveled dully over the sensation-itwas wholly new to him.
14He looked up and smiled with a touch of mock gallantry wholly new.
15This was a wholly new notion and proportionally serious if true.
16His voice had an undertone of excitement or nervousness that was wholly new.
Aquesta col·locació està formada per:
Wholly new a través del temps
Wholly new per variant geogràfica