1Mother would whop me if I came back without the basket again.
2Then I reckon I'll whop him till he's wore to a frazzle.
3I've got a right smart good chanct, now, to whop ol' Satan.
4The whop, whop of the giant rescue chopper ricocheted up the valley.
5If not, Deets could whop him-Deetswas a good hand-to-handfighter.
6Why, either of my boys would whop him with one hand.
7If you do, I'll whop you, if you are a girl.
8I heard a soft whop, pictured Hippo downing several Tums.
9Tell 'em you're their great-great-great-great-great grandaddy, and if they misbehave, you'll whop their butts.
10I'm sorry it's wrong to tell whop .
11A whopping 73 percent said they were worried about their financial situation.
12That's a whopping 50 per cent increase in less than four years.
13Lee has whopping great blisters on his feet from his new shoes.
14Dr Brabant has brought Great Britain's medal's tally to a whopping 45.
15Earlier this year, the comedy nabbed a whopping three-season renewal from Netflix.
16It was Netflix's most-watched original series, drawing a whopping 105 million viewers.