Encara no tenim significats per a "wide boulevard".
1They were driving along a wide boulevard beside a serene blue sea.
2We were at the edge of an alley looking onto a wide boulevard.
3Like an upended forge, flames came billowing up the wide boulevard.
4They halted at the corner of a wide boulevard.
5But the Ice Serpent turned another corner, to a wide boulevard with traffic coming at him head-on.
6Joy strode to the corner and waited for the light to change, ready to cross the wide boulevard.
7The street car proceeded up the Nieuwezuds Voorburgwal, a wide boulevard with masses of activities on both sides.
8He held tight to the bars as he swerved through streets and turned back onto the wide boulevard.
9It was summer 2015, and I was walking to my job on a wide boulevard flanked by crowded seafood restaurants.
10Five minutes later we reach the Aleje, the wide boulevard that, if taken to the left, leads south across the river.
11He found himself in a crowded wide boulevard running more or less north-south, and bearing a slight curve to its broad course.
12Sergei could be seen walking out of the glass doors; he turned left, and within moments crossed the wide boulevard toward the Citroën.
13The site and house has frontage to Sarsfield Road, a wide boulevard that features some of the finest detached homes in the picturesque town.
14Now, private automobiles are regularly stuck in traffic on Beijing's wide boulevards.
15It throws you into Haussmann's Paris with its wide boulevards and grand buildings.
16In Madrid, cyclists and skateboarders streamed along the city's wide boulevards.
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