Examples for "wood "
Examples for "wood "
1 On River Road, we've got food, and good water, and wood fireplaces.
2 I understand it is possible to modify them to use wood energy.
3 Same RH vibe but different finish and detail work on the wood .
4 An hour later I laid her in a grave in the wood .
5 They used wood tokens to symbolize the value of goods and services.
1 Brown bark paths laced it; a tiny fountain splashed in the center.
2 For others, such as tree bark , the best time is early spring.
3 The bark of the fakir rasped the tightening nerves of the town.
4 The dressed bodies of deer and bear hung in the bark shelters.
5 One of the arrows struck a tree and stuck in the bark .
1 Each child had a number of Nettle's new, brightly painted wooden animals.
2 The task: to fit a wooden floor in a new one-bedroom apartment.
3 The oldest boys slept in a big wooden bed in the loft.
4 The shed was a ramshackle wooden affair that had seen better days.
5 Next to the main museum building there is a traditional wooden house.
6 The garden was in a wooden trough in front of his sentry-box.
7 On the far side of his property, the wooden gate stands open.
8 At least a wooden catwalk ran behind -a later addition, perhaps.
9 The party were lodged in a wooden building in the Bala Hissar.
10 It is not clear who is responsible for torching the wooden huts.
11 The new graves were marked with rough wooden plaques with a number.
12 Opening the buckles, he lifted the top and removed a wooden case.
13 It is a handsome city of wooden 19th-century houses and good restaurants.
14 The waiter set the candle on the tall wooden mantelpiece and inquired:
15 Place a wooden block in the INSIDE bottom of the cooking bag.
16 The thud of big wooden sledge hammers driving in the tent stakes.
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Wooden across language varieties