Confused and vague; used especially of thinking.
Examples for "woolly"
Examples for "woolly"
1Tens of thousands of years ago, woolly mammoths roamed the northern hemisphere.
2The woolly-haired African race includes the negroes and the very primitive bushmen.
3There were in the cave a number of stout and woolly rams.
4Unlike many prehistoric rhinos, woolly rhinos would be quite recognisable to us.
5My mind feels quite woolly, and the walls of the room shimmer.
1If the south achieves freedom it is through their work, however muddled.
2Confusion muddled his mind-hewasn't quite sure what to think or say.
3That issue settled, my mind drifted to another muddled order of business.
4And in normal circumstances everything would be dismissed as muddled red tape.
5The knock-out drops muddled her; but he went down like a log.
1Valerian knew that there was no point in arguing with the god-addled.
2There was enough in his pipe to keep him addled 'til dawn.
3Even in ruins, drug-addled and bloated, he made the faithful feel blessed.
4His addled brains are crammed with the wildest and most ignorant superstitions.'
5Doubts, beliefs, suspicions and truths addled with syllables which make a name.
1A befuddled Koch asks why the small sum would make a difference.
2His wide range of interests is masked by a faux-befuddled everyman persona.
3He looks confused now, befuddled, and I remember he has been drinking.
4And then McIntyre waits for the befuddled replies and reads them out.
5She looked befuddled, cute, a child dressed up for a greeting card.
1Spencer was still muzzy with painkillers and dazed by an anesthesia-born hangover.
2Worse still, his head felt muzzy and there was a sneeze brewing.
3His thoughts were muzzy and he tried to shake the feeling.
4I tell you, I was paralyzed; my brain was cider muzzy.
5The kicking stopped, and in the pause the muzzy oracular voice announced from within-
1He emanates a wooly warmth even though his demeanor is somewhat aloof.
2They are especially common in tiger moths and wooly bear moths.
3Two more funnels appeared behind the first, wooly tubes dropping from the clouds.
4Those wooly worms was growing thicker hair for to stand a hard winter.
5She pulled her wooly cardigan tightly around herself and headed downstairs.
1No, those things always make you woolly-headed the whole next day.
2She never liked them, said they made her feel woolly-headed.
3He was woolly-headed and his wool was just getting gray.
4Little black woolly-headed baby with no clothes on!
5The congregation was black and woolly-headed-Hottentotschiefly, I believe, though there may have been some Kafirs amongst them.
6In her defense-ifshe needed any-shewas exhausted from the length of the journey, and feeling especially woolly-headed today.
7She wakened slowly, woolly-headed from the medicine she had taken to stop the ache at the back of her eyes.
8You feel woolly-headed just now, I imagine, and you're going to stay that way, because that's just how I like you.
9While I was busy arguing and persuading the woolly-headed cannibals to come and labor on the Queensland plantations Otoo kept watch.
10Those woolly-headed porters are going to save up his commission and hand it to him when he brings the down-train in!
11They have amongst them people white and red, some in color like those of the Indies, others woolly-headed, blacks and mulattoes.
12The slavery of Uncle Tom and his woolly-headed children cursed the plantation house, in the end, as much as it did the cabin.
13Silver is the "naive" English teacher in love with poetry and full of noble, but, as Gordon would have it, woolly-headed liberal idealism.
14Bonaparte expressed a wish to give Waldo his orders for the next day's work, and accordingly the little woolly-headed Kaffer was sent to call him.
15"A permanent agreement...percentages...I'm too woolly-headed to tell you now."