Encara no tenim significats per a "worship the goddess".
1The Dhuris principally worship the goddess Devi.
2Those who worship the goddess are said to acquire mastery of the arts and attract masses of people.
3They worship the goddess Halrloprillalar.
4Though the man may worship the goddess, for all her smiles divine, how can the goddess love the man?
5Those who worship the goddess are said to acquire knowledge mastery of the arts, and attract masses of people to themselves.
6Ha!-Andthey worshipped the goddess of Reason-Reason, impersonated by Maillard the ballet-dancer!
7How did you find out we worship the Goddess?
8They arose, and went down to the river together, and washed themselves, and worshiped the goddess.
9We define ourselves: (1) We all worship the Goddess, and may others honor other deities.
10And the king was astonished, and after he had worshipped the goddess, he sat down with Good.
11And they were all delighted to hear one another's adventures, worshipped the goddess, and went on their way.
12Thus she prayed, praised, and worshipped the goddess, then tied a rope to an ashoka tree which grew there.
13At last Hero believed it, and having worshipped the goddess, he went home happy with his children and his wife.
14It would seem perfectly natural for Brutus to be led to a country whose people, like himself, worshipped the Goddess Diana.
15And when she had worshipped the goddess there, she went out from the shrine, but not from the heart of Good.
16There formerly existed in India a "well-organized confederacy of professional assassins" called Thugs, who worshipped the goddess Kali with human lives.
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