Encara no tenim significats per a "worthy representative".
1Prepare yourself meanwhile to be a worthy representative of your native Austria.
2And he thanked God that his Empire had such a worthy representative.
3Ravenna could not have had a more worthy representative than yourself, Signor Barone!
4He was a worthy representative of all that was best in the Saxon character.
5I would also be unjust to our worthy representative in the lower house, Hon.
6Of these, fire was considered as the most worthy representative of the Supreme Being.
7He is naturally slim-waisted, as befits a worthy representative of the noble Hairyan race.
8If Cornelia were self-willed and defiant, in appearance at least she was a worthy representative of her race.
9The Baron was indeed a worthy representative of the feudal ages, when physical strength was the only incontestable superiority.
10I had been invited to lunch with a very worthy representative of the town, Mr. Pastrokoff, and his wife.
11Browne was in every way a worthy representative of the new spiritual dictator and of the "new learning."
12Those who attended the many receptions she hosted found her charming and gracious and a worthy representative of her country.
13The discussions went no further but are being used to argue that even he thought she would make a worthy representative.
14Nature begins to assert her claims; and man, the eminent and worthy representative of old ideals, retires from his ancient prominence.
15Andreas Colyns de Nole was of nearly the same age as Van Dyck, and a worthy representative of his famous family.
16Such a one is Lord Charles Russell, who is a worthy representative of the great house of Bedford from which he springs.
Aquesta col·locació està formada per:
Worthy representative a través del temps
Worthy representative per variant geogràfica