We have no meanings for "wounded comrade" in our records yet.
1 Followed by another, he advanced along the knife-edge to their wounded comrade .
2 The corporal got away safely, taking his wounded comrade with him.
3 More than one brave fellow held a wounded comrade 's head on his knees.
4 In honor of our wounded comrade , I move we call this spot Camp Whopper.
5 His wounded comrade loaded one while he took deliberate aim and fired the other.
6 Thus slowly and with much difficulty we bore our wounded comrade to the camp.
7 Trent looked for his wounded comrade from the Beaux Arts.
8 His wounded comrade is inside, to whom he is conducted.
9 They deserted a wounded comrade , and a servant at that!
10 Ravanel withdrew, supporting his wounded comrade , followed by shots and the hootings of the inhabitants.
11 The two sailors picked themselves up, the older man assisting his wounded comrade to rise.
12 On this occasion he was belated because he had sat up nursing a wounded comrade .
13 Each man carrying a wounded comrade became a target.
14 Like soldiers evacuating a wounded comrade from the front, they held their rifles at the ready.
15 At one point, Mueller led a fire team into enemy territory to retrieve a mortally wounded comrade .
16 He and one of the men therefore lifted their wounded comrade , and Lisle shouted to the others:
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