The condition of not containing or being covered by a liquid (especially water)
1There also grew the genera Xanthorrhoea, Xerotes, and Restio (rope-grass.)
2Here likewise grew a new shrubby species of Xerotes, with hard rush-like leaves, but allied to X.
3Xyris, Philydrum, a species of Xerotes, and an aromatic spreading herb, grew in great abundance round the water.
4On the sandy ridges, however, there was little else than Xanthorrhoea, Xerotes, and Restio (rope grass).
5We again found here the new Xerotes, having the flower in five or six round tufts on the blade.
6To the South-West on the hills the grasses were Restio, Xerotes, and a spiny grass, which neither the horses nor the sheep would eat.