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1On the 3rd the Xth Soudanese passed through Ambigole and marched south.
2The patient in the Xth bed at the Yth Base Hospital stirred restlessly.
3The garrison of Tokar consisted of the Xth Soudanese and a few gunners.
4Every unit of the Xth Division was packed up and ready for embarkation.
5The Xth Soudanese opened fire on the village as soon as they topped the rise.
6The kings of the IXth and Xth Dynasties were Herakleopolites, though we know little of them.
7It consisted of the IIId, IVth, and Xth Corps of Guards, and two divisions of cavalry.
8A German force in pursuit of the retreating Xth Corps was presenting its flank to him.
9When he awoke it was to find himself in the Xth bed of the Yth Base Hospital.
10The Xth Soudanese were on their way.
11It was to be "a new landing by the Xth Division"-thatwas all we knew.
12Had Kitchener forgotten the Xth Division?
13The IXth Corps, on its left, advanced toward the Marcel, while the IIId and Xth formed the second line.
14The whole of the Xth Division-about25,000 men-used to turn out for long route-marches.
15On the left of the Xth Corps, the IIIrd Corps in front of Charleroi reported "terrible" losses.
16The Xth Soudanese had now reached the top of the rise which had hidden Firket, and the whole scene came into view.