Idomoid language of Ogoja, Nigeria.
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1And a bomb in southernmost Yala province wounded a pregnant fruit seller.
2Also nearby is the busier Yala National Park for leopard and elephant spotting.
3The High Commissioner Teremoana Yala said language week was a good time to try.
4Last month, 18 people were wounded in a string of bomb attacks in Yala.
5The results were immediately rejected as rigged by opposition leader and former president Koumba Yala.
6Yala is dead, succumbing to a heart attack on Thursday, months after retiring from politics.
7The are being held in Yala, another southern province.
8She had never liked the south coast around Yala, not as a child, not now.
9The latest was a soldier killed in an ambush in Yala province on Sunday morning.
10On Tuesday, in the neighbouring province of Yala, three soldiers were wounded by a roadside bomb.
11According to David, my guide on Crab Island, women in Guna Yala enjoy an elevated status.
12Militants shot dead two soldiers and wounded another as they patrolled a rail track in Yala.
13He flees into exile and is replaced by former philosophy professor, Kumba Yala, in a new election.
14Flags at government buildings in Yala, like the rest of the country, are flying at half mast.
15The four suspected Muslim militants were killed in clashes with security forces in Yala Province, police said.
16A Buddhist government defence volunteer was shot dead on the way home in neighbouring Yala province, police said.