His song is bright and animated, like that of the yellowwarbler.
But amiability is not the only prominent trait in the female yellowwarbler's character.
The same authority compares the bird's song to that of the redstart and the yellowwarbler.
Effie spotted a little yellowwarbler perched above one of them, waiting for something to come out.
The most common nesting place of the yellowwarbler is in low willows along the shores of streams.
The yellowwarbler, sometimes called the wild canary, flits through bush and tree and trills its gay notes in town and country.
The black and yellowwarbler pauses a moment and hastens away; the Maryland yellow-throat peeps shyly from the lower bushes and utters his Fip!
A yellowwarbler sang from a little clump of elder-bushes, tinkling out his contented song like a chime of tiny bells, "Sweet-sweet-sweet-sweeter-sweeter-sweetest!"
I am just as glad to see you as you are to see me, cried Sunshine the YellowWarbler.
Others are wise enough to know their own eggs, and chief among such sharp-eyed ones is this little YellowWarbler.
And any one can tell Sunshine the YellowWarbler because there isn't anybody else who seems to be all yellow.
The YellowWarbler, 2009 Tom Shannon's paintings bustle with life -neon polymers suggest rampant vines, moist lips, and teeming coral reefs.