Encara no tenim significats per a "young rake".
1By the time Erius died, Korin was a dissipated young rake and a drunkard.
2For the young rake had been one of the most notorious borrowers at the seminary.
3The young rake probably has the delirium tremens.
4I had to partake in the debauchery of a young rake, and all out of pure sensibility.
5The young rake bawled out for more gin, and with head sunk on his chest began muttering to himself.
6As regards the rest of the characters, Mr. Terriss's Squire Thornhill was an admirable picture of a fascinating young rake.
8But youth is foolish, and she had no doubt gone off with some young rake, no one knew exactly where.
9The young rake laughed so heartily at this idea that he did not notice that Hemstead's acknowledgment was frigidly slight; but
10Some young rake may have bribed the black, and be personating him; and some day you may find yourself carried off you know not where.
11But I confess, it sometimes makes me shudder to see a young rake clasp his arms round the waist of a pure and innocent girl.
12But just what these young rakes want.... Come on, and be careful.
13Studying all the time; preparing lectures-whilethe ladies run off with younger rakes.
14The young Venetian loved women to excess, frequented the society of young rakes, and yawned in good company.
15Not that the young rakes in uniform were content to pass her by, but because she plainly preferred the young American.
16So I should suppose, when they are employed, not for the husband, but to attract the young rakes who dishonour the home.
Aquesta col·locació està formada per:
Young rake per variant geogràfica