A quantity of no importance.
Examples for "nothing"
Examples for "nothing"
1However, Mr Mark said the government's concerns about China were nothing new.
2There is, of course, an easier solution to this problem: do nothing.
3A year later, nothing and everything was new in New Port City.
4Though she said nothing, her body language provided a clear enough answer.
5However, police today found the unlicensed private investigator had done nothing wrong.
1This way Quinn confirmed his zero-rated compassion; only children held equal status.
2She said the game must take a zero tolerance approach to abuse.
3Labour would propose amendments to scrap zero hour contracts, Mr Lees-Galloway said.
4However, the problem here is that the final y-position is not zero.
5South Australia and the ACT reported zero new cases since Tuesday's updates.
1It extenuates some things, maybe; but it sets down naught in malice.
2He rejected the priests; he would have naught of any but me.
3The forest provided his food, which in the backwoods cost him naught.
4They need to learn that the Night's Watch is naught t'be feared.
5No, no; I will believe naught against Jasper until I see it.
1I ne'er thought Father would accept aught but a Norseman, Drifa said.
2Moreover, Pharaoh would avenge aught he did upon the people of Israel.
3The material universe may, for aught we know, be limited in extent.
4No one knows aught of what pleases the eye and the heart.
5For aught I know, it was current money in Nineveh and Babylon.
1Thus, the quality of your school is determined by your zip code.
2Our zip code has been called the most dangerous in Kansas City.
3That, combined with its excellent zip, unfortunately makes it vulnerable to damage.
4Patient income was estimated from residential zip code at time of HCT.
5One recent story nicely summed up his zip and lack of pretension.
1LXR-null mice also display delayed resolution, suggesting that native oxysterols promote resolution.
2McDougal is asking the court to declare the agreement null and void.
3The meta-analysis rejected the null hypothesis that all studies showed no effect.
4Overall the distribution of associations was not significantly different from the null.
5Therefore, migration defects of Pten-null neurons might be secondary to ectopic differentiation.
1The general sat holding in his hand a short letter, in cipher.
2The interpretation of the cipher was written on it in these words:
3Many film viewers, however, thought HAL was a one-letter-ahead cipher for IBM.
4Or the writing is in cipher and he must furnish the key.
5He could penetrate no farther into the instructions; the cipher again changed.
1We were told of 'smugly smiling atheists' and 'Lions 10; Christians nil'.
2The chances of the current terms succeeding, therefore, are just about nil.
3Etisalat said it was carrying its 45 percent stake at nil value.
4The company's risk of bankruptcy is essentially nil now, the analyst said.
5The expenditure of the successful Labour candidate in Pretoria was practically nil.
1Yet the new approach leaves China plenty of scope to nix investigations.
2Besides, her boyfriend's immoderate enthusiasm alone was enough to nix the idea.
3The rest, sadly, nix the idea of this as a Mac lovefest.
4So he is good for nix, the worse cur I ever saw.
5I'll give you nix naught nothing and my thanks into the bargain.
1Hours: 40 hours or more a week during the season, then nada.
2Our forever bae Michael B. Jordan also received a nomination for nada.
3Gina's interest in the question was close to total nada.
4You'll notice the music in your headphones, and nada else.
5All I meant, Miss White: I had nada to gain.
1The Serbian Government spent a small fortune in cypher telegrams about you.
2There it had been, the juxtaposed cypher, and in the proper order:
3In the centre of the others, were his majesty's cypher of f.r.
4We talk to each other in a sort of cypher, dear Rhoda.
5I then applied myself to the problem of breaking the cypher.
1For about 68 million Americans, the answer to that question is zilch.
2Except for that height estimate, I saw zilch with regard to sex.
3She may be an excellent MEP but her track record is zilch.
4And now here I am, starting from scratch, with nothing, zilch, zero.
5Faws Right now, we know zilch about this Dublin-based producer or producers …
1She said a few times she had used a goose egg in custard.
2Better than the goose egg he had been looking forward to.
3A large goose egg, purple and knotted, was rising mystically on his forehead.
4A goose egg, puffy and gray, swelled along his sallow cheekbone.
5He disappeared into his tunnel, pushing the goose egg in front of him.
1Presto-zippo, man, that'll be the last we ever see of her.
2We're sifting through it, but so far zippo.
3It's costing us a bundle, and returning zippo.
4We'd just started our staff study when we got a zippo-that'san operational priority message-tocome home.
5You have to believe that you can and should perform whatever action you had in mind, or you get zippo.
6Not that he was obsessed about money and property, but being president had cost him $5bn and he was paid zippo for public speaking.
7Needles lit the pyre with his Zippo, and it went up fast.
8I picked my Zippo off the bar and casually buttoned my wallet-pocket.
9The can was in the bottom desk drawer with his father's Zippo.
10The only human detritus that had turned up was a Zippo lighter.
11He took his time lighting a cigarette with an old brass Zippo.
12He picked up the Zippo and absently thumbed the flame to life.
13After an eternity, Gardener pulled the Zippo back and snapped it shut.
14He flicked his Zippo and ignited the flame, taking his time in responding.
15He snapped open his Zippo, touched the Winston to the flame, and inhaled.
16Cody snorted and dug his Zippo lighter out of his pocket.