A room or building equipped with one or more toilets.
(New Testament) disciple of Jesus; traditionally said to be the author of the 4th Gospel and three epistles and the book of Revelation.
The last of the four Gospels in the New Testament.
Examples for "trick "
Examples for "trick "
1 The taxman has, however, long ago found a way around this trick .
2 Old friends, new friends, the neighbours we went trick - or - treating with every year.
3 D. The old trick ; picking one text, straining it; and ignoring six.
4 Just three simple squirts in the right places will do the trick .
5 The new Apple TV could be Steve Jobs' best sleight-of-hand trick yet.
1 He said, Our young whoremaster believes in the value of a personal response.
2 Mr. Edwards carried on his business of whoremaster in an orderly and unemotional way.
3 Lemme see if I can remember how this whoremaster goes.
4 Or a whoremaster with half a nose, and crippled by coarse and infamous debauchery?
5 Get me that Syrian whoremaster -youknow the one.
1 He knew he didn't drink anymore and he was no longer a whoremonger .
2 He was the manifest ruffian, wencher, whoremonger , and most infamous cuckold-maker that ever breathed.
3 Are you not a recreant, cowardly, and wicked whoremonger ?
4 There shall be no whore among the daughters of Israel, nor whoremonger among the sons of Israel.
5 You just called me little more than a whoremonger . He hadn't had this much fun in ages.
Other meanings for "John" 1 She said they were awaiting health officials' approval to question Mr John .
2 Problem number one: the new John Clarke will be recruited from within.
3 Today we answered John 's question about sight and Karen's query about violence.
4 New Zealand Prime Minister John Key today described Israel's stance as inconvenient.
5 Prime Minister John Key repeated that claim during question time in Parliament.
6 Prime Minister John Key agrees education is an important and critical issue.
7 Prime Minister John Key said New Zealanders felt deeply connected to Nepal.
8 As John Harris and others note, social democracy is in crisis everywhere.
9 Prime Minister John Key said the Kiwibank deal was an elegant solution.
10 New Zealand's Prime Minister John Key will attend the Constitution Day event.
11 However, Prime Minister John Key is refusing to rule out further cuts.
12 Union representative John Maguire said workers remained determined to continue their protests.
13 Privacy Commissioner John Edwards, told Morning Report his office would offer help.
14 USI President John Logue said he was delighted with the final result.
15 Prime Minister John Key on what the election means for New Zealand.
16 He changed the subject and asked whether Nambas had seen John Frum:
Other examples for "John"
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