The group of languages derived from Latin.
Examples for "Romance "
Examples for "Romance "
1 Professor of the Romance Languages and Literatures in the University of Michigan.
2 Title: The White Ladies of Worcester A Romance of the Twelfth Century
3 Title: The Heart's Highway A Romance of Virginia in the Seventeeth Century
4 Youth is the period of Romance , when the heart rules the head.
5 They suggested romances : lovers in the forests; knights in armor; wicked enchantresses.
1 The only Romance language Felipe doesn't happen to speak is Italian.
2 Some of the writing on the label was in a Romance language , but not all.
3 Of course, Spanish is a Romance language .
4 After a time the word Romance was used to mean a story told in any Romance language .
5 We passed a region where, he said, a small group of people speak Friuli, a Rheto Romance language .
Grammar, pronunciation and more
Translations for Latinian language