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There might even be new groups of dinosaurs that didn't exist during the Mesozoicera.
The Mesozoicera was characterized by large seas, lakes, deltas with deserts, and occasional glaciers.
At the opening of the Mesozoicera reptiles were the most highly organized and powerful of any animals on the earth.
He said that the lizardlike tuatara dates back to the Mesozoicera & there is only one other tuatara in this country.
This group was the longest-lived of any of the three, beginning in the Trias and continuing to the close of the Mesozoicera.
The Mesozoicera has three periods, the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous, while the Cenozoic era names five periods,-theEocene, Oligocene, Miocene, Pliocene and Pleistocene.
The Matonineae are ferns with an unusually complex vascular system and were abundant "in the northern hemisphere during the earlier part of the Mesozoicera."
Granites found here have been carbon-dated to the mesozoicera.
It made way for the MesozoicEra.
Not single specimen of any higher, or placental, mammal has yet been found in the whole MesozoicEra.
Such a change now closes the MesozoicEra, and inaugurates the age of flowering plants, of birds, and of mammals.
The stretch of time on which we now enter, at the close of the Permian, is the Secondary or MesozoicEra.
Because, you see, I believe it was this creature-or another like it, another monstrous survivor from the MesozoicEra-that inspired the myth of Satan.