A town in Czech Republic where Pilsner beer originated.
1 When the author turns 22, he and Kate have dinner at Pilsen .
2 Essen is very jealous of the great Skoda works near Pilsen in Austria.
3 The whole army save the regiments around Pilsen had fallen away from Wallenstein.
4 Here in Pilsen no one will think of looking for us.
5 The funeral was scheduled for this afternoon at Ayuda de Cristianos, in Pilsen .
6 This is Mike Ainsel, he's taken the empty apartment at the old Pilsen place.
7 It is the maker of the popular San Miguel Pale Pilsen and Red Horse beer.
8 Kate and the author frequently visit the Czech restaurant, Pilsen , in their hometown of Chicago.
9 In Pilsen they take their beer making very seriously.
10 I drove south to Pilsen to the Guaman home.
11 The light troops of Mansfeld were still in Pilsen , and were not engaged in the action.
12 Von Pilsen quittedtheroomforthwith: and next morning was sought for in vain in B--.
13 For the present we must remain in Pilsen .
14 An old Gothic Chamber in the Council-House at Pilsen , decorated with Colors and other War Insignia.
15 Von Pilsen , ' (fixing his eye upon him) 'if I do but say-seize him, Juno!'
16 Project Vote volunteers put up the posters all over African-American neighborhoods and in Hispanic areas like Pilsen .
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