There was an absurdnumber of weapons to choose from.
The absurdnumber of windows in this battered old structure is what strikes the passer-by.
That's an absurdnumber.
The dinner was served straightway, a flock of attendants bringing an absurdnumber of dishes and courses for only two people.
Every person who has ever placed a bet, has attempted a wildly stacked multi with an absurdnumber of legs attached.
Also there was this perfectly absurdnumber listed for number of proofers having proofed at least one page (it had roughly quadrupled).
O'Reilly is the princely figurehead over Cavan's football history, accomplishing an absurdnumber of honours before his sudden death in the winter of 1952.
There is also talk of the absurdnumber of officers in the Spanish-American armies, but we should not, by any means, confound the two things.